
I met up with an old school mate after not seeing him for 30 years!!! He lives 1,200 miles away. He has been married for 28 years. I guess the past few years have changed but he has children and young grandchildren. For 4 months we spoke on the phone, sent text messages, videos, etc. We went away for 3 days together and it was amazing!!! It's been over a month since we've been back and it was ok the first two weeks after we got back but funny now in two weeks I haven't spoke to him once on the phone and have gotten TWO videos and maybe a text once a day or every other day. I feel like such a FOOL! In all his videos he would say how beautiful I am, how much he loves me, blah, blah, blah. I am so angry, hurt, confused. I am on the verge of contacting his wife and sending her the hundreds of pics and videos he sent me. She should know what she is married to. I really am not a hateful person and don't want to hurt her, HE is the one who will have to kiss her butt to make up for it I guess.


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by: Anonymous

It's obvious you're his play toy and only uses you at his disposal. He probably does not want to leave his wife. You're angry and want to lash out at him by blowing his cover. How do you think his wife would feel? I think she has more rights than you to be angry. What can you possibly expect from a man who commits adultery with you? Do you think he's a man of moral character? He's not worth anybody's time and you better thank your lucky star he's not married to you!! Forge bout him!

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