I am trying to get him back

by Regina Cahan Cole

By: Regina Cole
Age: 36-40
From Imperial.

I have said numerous times I hate my husband. I have not had a job in years. I have children and teenagers are my closes friends. I know that I am obsessed with him. I have gone to amazing lengths to get his attention. I have tried to make him believe his wife is cheating with anonymous calls. Everything I do I can not get him to break away from her. I even set up a 2nd Facebook hoping to get his attention, he did not respond to my friend request and it broke my heart all over again. I told him I think it was his wife so he would think she was crazy
I have sent him my nude pictures, of my nipple rings of me in purple lingerie. Nothing has worked.
I have sent him love notes, when he went to the therapist for marriage counseling I cre papered his truck and put a love note under the windshield. We had the best sex. She doesn't deserve him

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