The Game

by Shayna

I saw the letters layed across the floor, it was like id never seen before, my mind went blank as I kept a steady stare. I felt so strongly for that name. Not that it mattered cause your a player and im not playin the game. I know its insane but only im to blame, I fell for you and your silly game. Maybe its your big ego, cause it cant handle the pain. Or maybe I fell too hard, too fast. That might sound lame but me, no i wasn't playing any game. I told you the truth, with you could say the same. The way you spoke, the way you said my name, Pfft whatever I know it was a joke. Or maybe you liked me thought I was hot? You just wanted the action but yenno what I got the satisfaction to say your a player and im not playin the game that way, and yes your the one to blame!

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