Thomas Consulting - Private Detective Agency in Kentucky

Thomas Consulting - Kentucky Detective Agency

Thomas Consulting - Kentucky Detective Agency

Thomas Consulting - Private Detective Agency in Kentucky

About us

We are licensed (Ky #0630) and insured in the Commonwealth of Kentucky.

We specialize in gathering intelligence to enable successful decision making be that in business or personal.

All of our services are completed by our own staff!


We specialize in obtaining information that is accurate and discrete, providing you with the necessary data required to make informed decisions. Here is a short list of services we offer:

1. Trademark infringement investigations

2. Background investigations

3. Asset research

4. Electronic Counter Surveillance

5. Criminal Investigations

6. Signal Theft Investigations

7. Undercover agents

Contact Info:
Address is 2419 S Hwy 53
La Grange,Ky 40031

Tel (502)257-1133

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Feb 21, 2012
by: Anonymous

This page would look more professional if you would correct the spelling of the word "agency".

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