My husband and I have been married for 10 yrs, and we have two boys. One day I had his cell phone and a woman called.

She seemed very surprised that I was on
the other end of the line. I noticed when she called the caller ID had Eric, Her name is Erica.

I confronted my husband he said that it was nothing, and I was crazy for thinking he would cheat on me.

I look in his call log and he found that they still communicate. Last month he came home 3:30am in the morning, and said that he and his manager had gone out for drinks, and he had to drive his manager home because he was drunk.

Last night I searched his call log,and yes she called once last month. I decided to look into his text and she text him October 13 saying go-tem,then in September at 10:30pm (He was still at work)asking him if was going to be stopping by.

I again confronted him and again he said that I was crazy and he wants nothing to do with her. He said his family is everything to him.




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Yea ... you're thinking right
by: Dee Dee

My personal opinion .... he's not being honest with you girl; but you know this already.

I am so sorry.
Something to ask yourself ... has he been either extra attentive to you (guilt) or the complete opposite and mentioning every flaw with you or what you have or haven't been doing lately? (justifying finding someone who fills that void)
You used to call or text me during the day. You use to wear ... (you get the idea).

Suggestion ... My local radio station does a "war of the roses" segment. a woman thinks her guy is cheating, she has the station call the guy saying they're a new flower business in town and want to give a dozen roses for free just to promote the company. They ask how they want the card to read and to whom. If he sends to you ... great. If not ... you're on the phone ready to bust his @$$. Good luck girl friend.


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