A Mistake

by Jena

I don't know how to explain
what i'm feeling inside;
anger, sadness, hate, confusion, guilt
But no, I don't feel regretful
You really must be mad
You thought I was your girl
You thought i'd never cross the line
You thought I was faithful
I'm sorry
You must think the worse of me
I don't know any other way to put this
but, I really am sorry
For breaking our trust
For breaking your heart
I feel angry
I can't decide what I want
I'm sad
I broke your heart
I hate myself
I thought I loved you
but I was wrong
There was another
that could match my love for you
I love you
I love him
I am truly sorry for
breaking this that we had
If you someday forgive me
I will always have a place for you in my heart

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