by Carlos Caceres

We started in an a affair long term relationship. I met her at a club (Toronto, Canada), she had just broken up with her boyfriend ( he cheated on her by being flashed on webcam). After that night i met her at the club, she went on vacations to Cuba and i didnt see her until 3 weeks after.

The first impression i had was that the first night i took her out after she came from Cuba, is that she was really easy going chick, she agreed to to sleep in my place because her house was far and she felt comfortable!! (sleeping in some random guy's house very starnge sign).

After, that night we had sex and the next coming weeks we kept on seeing each other. She became obsessed with me and she felt she needed to see me all the time after school or anytime. We had this huge sexual conection, wild sex time, where she used to have multiple orgasms.

Morover, as the times went on, weeks and couple months, she told me that the same night she met me at that club, she had also met some other two guys and she had sex with them only once.

She told me that she needed to get rid of them because she didnt like them and they were still looking for her only for the sex. I helped her and i ditched all these guys for her telling them i was dating her.

We continued the relationship, she was deeply in love with me, she did anyhting i told her at the moment and she was also so scare of me leaving her, she even threatened me of killing herself if i left her and she was being serious, i liked her a lot at first and taught her many htings her parents never told her or anyone, i felt like her older brother at some point ( going out, meeting guys, sex, unprotected sex) anyhting, her mom was afraid of talking about sex and alwasy panicking about it.

Months passed and many weeks, we still kept loving ,but i never trusted her and i still kept going out with my friends and doing it with other girls because i didnt want to belive such a goody girl she was pretending to be . I also had a plan that if she would ever get caught, i would have some back up and dont feel that bad for her ever cheating or lying, so i had my cheatings too and thats how much i wanted to be wirth her.

Therefore, one year went on and she decided to go to Montreal and study there, that decision was made before she met me, then she had no way back but to come after the first semester and switch to a university from Toronto. the relationship was really strong at that time she was regreting she went there because she missed me a lot. She told me she was going to come back in six months, that it was never caredi would never want to repeat in my life again.

Enjoy guys ;)

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