Cheating in Kansas City 1988

by James Smith
(Kansas City MO)

This started in 1988 we are Male. She worked at a hospital supply company we will call her (Lisa) her husbands name was (Ken).

Her story was (Ken) wanted to work all the time he was older that her she was 28 at the time and he just did not pay any attn to her.

We purchased supplies from her company that is how we meet. I said the right thing at the right time we hooked up. This went on for 3 years (Ken) knew she had someone but he thought it was someone at work well he was right in a way there was (2) of us me and another person by the name of (George) you guessed it at work.

Seeing us both and taking care of (Ken) at home what a woman. Short story she divorce (Ken) dropped me and you guessed it married (George) she is now 53 and George is 72 and the live happy in Lee Summit Mo.

Sure she is seeing someone else on the side some college dude since she works at a university.

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