Do I Believe Him Or Not?

by Gatybu

My husband and I went on a trip for our ten year anniversary. He had been acting distant for a while and would spend hours on his laptop ignoring any and everything around him.

While on the trip he would disappear for hours at a time. At first it didn't bother me because we were at a a casino and to separate for a while was natural.

I spent half my time looking for him. I would tell everyone it was anniversary and would be so proud because I love him so much.

He almost acted like it aggravated him for me to mention it to anyone. One night I snooped in his laptop and discovered he was going into chat rooms.

I then discovered that he was also calling and texting these women. Many women. He would stay with one particular woman until the conversations got too deep then she would stop communicating with him.

He told one woman he loved her and wanted to be with her. He would move from one woman to another. He claims it was all just a game, to see how far he could go with another woman. I don't know what to believe.

By the way, this is how my husband and I met eleven years ago. He was looking for a way out of a bad situation at that time of his life and I happened along.

So I am really concerned. Would he really have left me if one of these women had given him the invitation? Or was it really a sick game?

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