Does this sound fishy to you? Should I be suspicious?

by Janice

So, last night I went to turn off my husband's cell phone and found 19 text messages from a woman who is an old college friend of my husband's.

She recently reconnected with him in March and then he met her for dinner (picked her up from her apartment) and then bought her dinner.

He charged it to his work. Then, he dropped her off at her place after. (This is my husband's account of the story). In one text message she says to him "I moved across the street to another bigger apartment"..."more room for you to crash".

Then, she said "I miss you my friend" in another text. When my spouse recently traveled to India, he texted her to say that he had missed her call but that 'they should get together soon'.

We live in Oregon and she lives in CA. When he went down for business in CA is when he met her for dinner. He didn't tell me about this 'reconnection with his old friend' until I confronted him.

He said he kept it from me because he 'thought I would freak out about having a friend that is a girl'. He has also become her friend on "linked in".

His old computer has emails from her but it crashed when he tried to open it last night to show me the emails from her. Should I be suspicious?

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Call the other woman
by: Anonymous

Call the other woman and ask her what's going on. It can't hurt and she might even tell you the truth!!

you bet
by: Anonymous

if it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck

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