Husband goes to massage parlor after rejecting it the first time vth wife

I took him to a salon & he told me it s such a sleazy place that he will never go to such a place .

Next i know a week later he schedules a appointment with massage from a grl in thes same place & hid it from me.

When i found out ...he is very sorry , said no sex happened & he loves me.

Help me i am confused...been withh this guy for 15 yrs, i am young & still look good.

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by: max

men are like that but what i would like to urge you is that act as if this marriage is just starting. eg when he walks in the house tae off his jacket and kiss him. if there are no children put your best mini and start your routing of cooking. if he drinks open up a beer and give him whilst talking about his day.

take a small plate and thow in a piece of meat. otherwise if he is none drinker a very good juice he likes.

be open with him in the sense that he should watch his health and should make sure he satisfies you. thank him every time you have sex.

thats what sex workers do. be on top of the situation. be friendly dont change your happy mood. lets see how it goes.

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