Just Tying to Uderstand....

by Diane

My husband had adult dating profiles for about 6 months that I know of! When I found the first one he deleted it and said he was looking for erotic stories!

I had been able to get into the account before he deleted it and he had sent an email to a swingers group asking what the next step was!!!

I was sick to think he would even consider this! When I told him I had read every email, wink etc he said he was just curious!

1year later I am still unconvinced of his motives. Do you think he did cheat or was planning to?

He has been great for a couple of months but I am not, I pretend everything is normal and check his email etc every chance I get.

I am sad that this was a man I had all the trust in the world for and now I can't even accept that he is out of the office meeting with clients for work....

Help me understand why married men put themselves on these sites if they are not wanting to find sex with others?

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Chat rooms
by: Anonymous

Hi, i totally understand. My beautiful partner of 3 years, im divorced, he is single, frequented chat sites etc last year and whilst i believed it to be cheating, he did not. He broke us, i think, we have the most beautiful awesome relationship and our sex life was/is absolutely spectacular to say the least. Which is why i couldnt understand the sexual interaction with other girls. I told him if he ever entered a chat room etc again that our relationship would cease that day.

I got over it, but i live in fear everyday that im going to find traces of online cheating or chat room talks and regularly check the history. Two days ago i found a site that the history says he entered with the nickname 'horny'. Im am completely shattered, our relationship has never been better. Of course he denies entering but reckons it came up in the computer history because of some rubbish email he received. Said the site came up but he never entered. Computer says he did.

Im so torn, if he entered, he did so knowing if i found out, our relationship would be over. I believe him with my head and my heart, but my computer says otherwise. What do i do. His word is everything, i am the love of his life. I cant get past this.

Same Problem
by: Anonymous

My husband did the same thing! He has paid over 150 dollars to be nosey. He claims that he and his buddies went in together, but I know which profile his is and "they" are never online when I know he is not. I know he hasn't had time to go anywhere or meet anyone, but he has mobile access and messenger so I am very concerned about that. He doesn't know that I know that. I am sick to my stomach all the time and I can't talk about this with anyone. I am not sure he is cheating but I can't get his text messages because he deletes everything and watches his phone like a hawk.
Any suggestions?

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