Save Your Relationship – You Can Be Happy Again After Infidelity

If you decide to save your relationship, you will have a tough road ahead. It will not be easy, and you WILL go through times in which you will wish that you didn't make that choice. That is a completely normal feeling that will come often at first.

After finding out about your cheating partner, you are going to be torn when deciding what to do. You will have the decision to make of who you will go to for help and advice. This is a crucial choice, because 'Misery loves company'.

save your relationship

By all means, you should not go through this difficult time by yourself. You will need to turn to the ones you can trust. For some this is may be family, for others maybe the best friend, and still for others this may mean reaching out to an Infidelity Counselor.

The thing to remember during the early stages is that time is your ally. Though it may feel that each minute is an hour long, with each "hourly" minute that passes you will be on your way to surviving infidelity and saving your relationship. 

Emotions will overwhelm you at times and it will be a battle to make "brain decisions". You chose to save your relationship and must force yourself to proceed down the road of forgiveness.

Before I go any further, remember that a relationship is a two way street and both lanes need to be open at all times for things to go smoothly. Your partner's infidelity is not your fault and you will need to keep that in your head at all times.

While forgiveness may seem hard, it will be the key that can set you free!

All your anger, all your rage is locked away inside and surfaces frequently before forgiveness has been given whole heartedly. This is a must! But be patient and give yourself time to achieve this state.

There are many stories of happing endings of couples that endured the pain that can be bestowed from a cheating partner. With the proper support, faith, and some old fashion work you can save your relationship.

saving your relationship

If things are to work, your partner has a very big responsibility of trying to make things work after their infidelity. If they are not truly remorseful and they are not upholding their part of this, then you are definitely reading the wrong article. That article would be titled 'Leaving a Cheater!'

Good luck in saving your relationship and keep on, keeping on! 

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