Which Race Cheats the Most Poll

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Which Race Cheats the Most Poll

Thank you for taking the time to take this little poll. With feedback like this it allows me to get a pulse on what you feel is important and what is not.

This poll on cheating amongst race is quite interesting. If you have been cheated on repeatedly by people from a certain race then you may have a biased opinion. Others may be neutral.

Either way, this cheating poll is here for you to voice your opinion while viewing opinions from others on this same topic.

Please use the form below for our poll.

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Which Race Cheats the Most?

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Once again, thank you for taking our "Which Race Cheats the Most" Poll.

Comments From Others

"I have dated all races, and it seems that the ones that cheated on me had money. So its not race, it opportunity"

"I would have to say hispanics cheat the most"

"I don't think race has anything to do with cheating. There are scumbags in all races"

"I have only been cheated on one time and that was by someone from my own race which is Caucasian"

"I would have to say the human race cheats the most"

"I think all of my exes have cheated on my, and that include white, black and hispanic. All men are dogs and will cheat if given the chance"

"What race cheats the most? Probably African American. That's just my opinion"

"I think it doesn't matter the race. Its up to the individual if they choose to cheat or not. There are cheaters in all races"

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