PA Counselor is at it again! Hope the lady in Chicago reads this..for her sake!

by Sue Elllen Berisford
(Nashville, TN)

PA Counselor is at it again! Hope the lady in Chicago reads this..for her sake!

Today I am thanking God that I got out of this mess with him, before I let it ruin my entire life, not to mention my 35 year marriage.

Here's the deal: we fell in love. I was head over heels over this man. Our internet affair lasted nearly 5 years. He's real good at this.

He knows all the right words to say, all the romantic words ever written. He's very handsome and just a really nice guy.

He says he is a Christian..I believed him and still do.

But underneath it all..he is one messed up man, and maybe even a little mental, seriously. In the five years, he could not hold a job longer than a few months..he had many.

He supports himself by his mother's money. She has supported him all of his life..and he is 57 years old!

He is divorced..and has 5 kids. All grown except for one, who will graduate HS soon.

This man wanted to meet me. He actually came through my town more than once, but I would never meet him and I am glad I didn't.

He thought that I loved him dearly..and that I was going to leave my husband. I never told him any different, but it was never true, I was not going to leave here and ruin my marriage and leave my financial future in ruins so that he ccould move me in a rental house supporting me on his mama's money!

But heres the thing: He thought I was nearing a divorce..seeing the lawyer, the whole bit.

He met someone else online, while still telling me how desperately much he loves me. Then his phone calls became less and less, he was hardly writing anymore.

He claimed...that since I was a married woman..he felt guilty telling me he loved me. He was lying all along. He wrote me a goodbye letter...actually "thanking me" for making him a better man and for all I have done for him.

He says his relationship with me kept him from making a mistake in finding the wrong person when he was not ready. Now he says he is a "brand new Man" and owes it all to me.

However, he thought it best that I try to make my marriage work..(remember, he thinks I was getting a divorce and separated from my husband, ready to move out!)

Even though he told me less than a month before that he still loved me..ha! He keeps an email opened for he kept a library full of our thousands of letters, cards, emails.

I erased every letter and walked away. But he is still keeping the email account opened.

But this is why I am writing this. I have seen the fb pages of who she is. My heart breaks for her, because he is saying the exact same things, using my poems, the pictures that were for me..all of it...that was mine..he is now using for her.

Like me, she is falling for all his charm and I feel sad for her. It is a beautiful journey, but the end may come crashing down, like it did with me.

I see him using the sad story he used with me, the whole bit. I pray that it works out for her because I would never want to see anyone else, another vulnerable woman who gets swept off her feet and REALLY give it all up..for a man who has a track record.

Im just lucky..I walked away when I did. Sue Ellen

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